

Design & Consulting

Trail, layout, flagging, GIS mapping, and consultation can conceptualize trail potential on properties of all sizes. Trail assessment for existing networks identifies problem spots and provides solutions from a professional perspective.


We construct a variety of trails, including multi-use trails, mountain bike optimized trails, bike parks, hiking trails, and more. We are experienced with both mechanized construction and hand-built techniques. We work with clients to ensure safe and sustainable recreation environments that remain exciting and engaging for trail users.


We construct a variety of wooden features to enhance the user experience and improve the durability of trail systems. Bridges are used to cross sensitive stream environments, while benches and kiosks add points of interest to a trail. Mountain bike-specific features add variety and progression for riders of all skill levels.

Accessible Trails

We believe public lands should provide experiences for people of all abilities. Accessible trails utilize imported materials to eliminate access barriers that prevent differently abled people from enjoying the outdoors. The result is a highly consistent and durable trail tread that maintains the natural aesthetic Greenstone is known for.


We provide maintenance services for existing trails and projects we’ve completed. Maintenance can breathe new life into existing trails, and often makes them more popular then ever. Services include corridor trimming, tread work, rock armoring, and more.

Ready to get started?

Head over to our contact page and hit us up for more info.